Wednesday, November 2, 2011


IWNLA: I Will Not Look Away
We had an amazing DNow weekend this past weekend!  James and I were both small group leaders for juniors and seniors.  These weekends are always powerful – getting students away from everyday life.  We had the privilege of hearing from Dominic Russo on Friday night.  He brought a powerful message entitled ‘Do Not Say I am Too Young’.  Students were empowered and challenged to seek God for His dream for their life and to start NOW!
15 for 50… God blew us away with all He did through this project!  Elevate set out to raise money to build one orphanage in India. We are now building 2 churches & 2 water wells to go with the 2 orphanages
15for50 = movement… our students got up and did something!
Below are some truths revealed to my girls in their own words… powerful
-       God wants me to know my future
-       I’m not too young to do something big
that God has for me to do… I don’t have to be older
-       My security is in God
-       Let every tear and every heart ache become
the foundation for your relationship with God
-       I have the opportunity to impact nations
-       When I choose to be pure… God takes notice
-       To the degree I care is the degree I’ll be used by God
-       100% of the time – there is something extraordinary in motion
James and I are so thankful for the opportunity to invest in these students!  We see so much potential… they each have a unique story and unique calling.  Our hearts break for a lot of the situations they are in… but we know that God is good and He is making all things work out for their good because they love Him!  We will continue to invest our time and energy in these students.  They will truly change the world!